That is true. Every time I visit Mexico tourist areas I always see Caucasians working at the various hotel service jobs. Oh wait, maybe I've never seen one, ever.
That is true. Every time I visit Mexico tourist areas I always see Caucasians working at the various hotel service jobs. Oh wait, maybe I've never seen one, ever.
Right. Anyone who has lived in the major cities of the world have experiences like this every year. I was filling up my car with gas in New Orleans 20 years ago, a clearly homeless, and clearly psychotic man ambled toward me muttering something. As he got closer the hair on the back of my neck was standing up. I asked…
So, the false allegations against the mostly Caucasian, affluent, Duke lacrosse players wasn’t believed? From what I remember it was widely reported, quickly believed and picked up by the DA full force. Of course the house of lies came crashing down, but only after the media whipped frenzy against those students…
You mean like all the African Americans who voted for Robert Byrd from WVA and kept re-electing him because he was the democratic candidate, even though he was a known KKK member and filibustered the civil rights act.
Her statements were clearly well thought, and not foolish. It is frustrating to read the comments section around here which always devolve into personal attacks.
When someone doesn’t agree with you reflexively calling them an idiot or other names reflects poorly on you.
The overwhelmingly Muslim immigrants in question committed these crimes; not all men, not Christians. It is a symptom of their paradigm, which extends to intolerance of other religions, women’s rights, proper education. I know it is almost impossible for a western educated, liberal female come to terms with this, but…
Because the instructors don’t want to be perceived as discriminating, happens in all industries. Its BS and we all suffer for it.
I have this exact color combination in my 2016 ES. The saddle leather is wonderful and the interior, as you state, is very well done, it was why I bought it. Having owned it for 4 months now, I find it a pleasure to drive. Good job Lexus.
This is fishy. Business deal gone bad, now they are extracting their revenge. The rape allegation may be true, but after reading this I am suspicious it may also be fabricated because of some bad business deal.
What? You moved to the US from Canada, that’s not supposed to happen.
The thing about Verhoeven is he embraces the camp in his movies. He doesn’t try to run from it. He displays the self acknowledged theatrical appearance and rhythm in his movies, especially the sci-fi. The over the top cars in Robocop, the eyes bulging in Total Recall, the brain bugs in Starship Troopers. His movies…
“And while it may take years to unravel the complexities of Rolling Stone’s mistake”
Summary execution
Democrats have assumed they will win the AA vote without proffering anything to alleviate circumstances which affect their community most: poverty, crime and incarceration, education inequality. Not a damn thing. Protest please, protest both parties, let them know no one can assume your vote nor your goodwill.
Awful. Why did he get off so easy?
I would extrapolate to asking any celebrity anything ever. Call it Kardashian syndrome: fascination with celebrity opinion and the surreal feeling that if we had some sort of special glasses we would be able to see they are all really aliens.
OMG. Please send photos. This is the stuff of nightmares.
If that is the case the manager should be blamed for not stepping in to defend the practice of the establishment and give the poor waiter some air cover.
I agree. I come to Deadspin for insightful and investigative sports reporting. Please lay off this other bullshit, let Gawker and Jezebel entertain their acolytes.