What is Tom Ley whining about today?

the inability of people to grasp sarcasm is something that never ceases to amaze me.

Boy, I bet there’s no way that nickname is used in jest at all, I bet every Sixers fan truly thinks they have the next Robert Horry playing for them.

Also, just about every NBA writer I’ve ever read agrees that Covington is a viable NBA rotation player with a long career ahead of him. It’s not crazy for Sixers fans to

Covington is a good player, one who could easily start and produce for a playoff team.

Jesus, you guys hate “the process” so much that you can’t even take their fans’ tongue-in-cheek player nicknames.

“In all seriousness, when was the last time you saw saw a player play so awfully, with no repercussion?”

LOL at you taking “Big Shot Bob” at face value. Holy shit.

Big Shot Bob also scored 28 2 games ago and 18 4 games ago. You keep Lord Covington’s name out of your mouth.

shooting to the knee cap isn’t a thing. period. There is nothing to debate about that. You draw a weapon to kill someone. Thats it.