
This very thing described above has happened to me. But none of the girls were white. They were non Black women of color. Make no mistake. They may seem on our side, but they know when to pull racism and use it against us the moment we get on their bad side

Whoa man, if like only all the workers of the world united or something.

Your utopian platitudes are irrelevant to practicable solutions. And mass amnesty for 11+ million people is simply not on the table, especially in light of the brazen lies Democrats have told the American people over the past 50 fucking years

Indeed, their use as cheap labor for corporations is the only reason congress keeps dragging their feet on the issue. Conservatives profit most if they only appear to hate illegal immigrants, while also hiring them for jobs like our BigMac in chief has done.

You want to fix illegal immigration? You could do it pretty much completely in about a year. Here’s what you do: if you catch an illegal immigrant working somewhere, you jail the owner or hiring person for 10 years minimum. You also fine the company $10 million. That’s PER undocumented worker.

It’s frustrating to take either side of the argument. I honestly do believe that Uber/Lyft need to do more to put money into the pockets of drivers, not themselves. They also need to focus on the point that Happy Drivers -> Happy Customers, not the other way around. Uber/Lyft do not take a flat rate out of my pay.

My problem with these articles is that they ignore the fact that these jobs are not meant to support a family.

Its also the reservation leaders not leading. Red pheasant is notoriously criminal, and their leader is awful and blames whitey for everything. (Side note one of the people in the car is a cousin of the leader of that reserve) Where as whitecap, noticed there was a problem, and actually lead his people and opened a

I don’t know. It just feels like one of the biggest problems I see here, is the fact that indigenous people are segregated from the rest of the population. They have their own little section all to themselves, their own schools, their extremely limited resources. It feels like they are a set of people who have this

Teamster Unions are nothing but mafias. Unions are why we get shitty, lazy government workers who perpetuate government waste.   

1. He was found innocent. Multiple times. Because Emma and her friends kept bringing bullshit charges.

despite how she lied about the rape that made her famous in the first, but yeah she’s a great a great artist!

Well it looks like she is getting the help she needs as far as treatment goes... and the Holets are keeping in close contact with her. Seems like a lot of commenters here posting a lot of false and bad information about her not getting treatment and being ignored on that front. So yeah, I’d say you are creating some

Let me tell you something, if I get onto a plane, and there is a goddamn peacock roaming freely around the cabin, I. AM. OUT. I do NOT like birds, and there is no way that I’m going to be trapped in a metal tube with one for hours on end. Nope. No way. And peacocks can be particularly aggressive assholes, so double no

I’m a dedicated liberal. “Safe spaces” are a joke. One can choose what and what not to listen to and/or believe. Adults, in particular (and that’s what college kids are) should be able to process things that offend them. The world is rife with “micro-aggressions”; if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of

Or, respectfully, you’re completely backwards on this topic.

Being disrespectful to individual, underpaid, overworked teachers is so hip.

You have no idea if his journal is spot on. That teacher could easily have mentioned “indigenous peoples” or “Native Americans” and because King didn’t hear “Indians” he assumed he was being taught a lie... instead of, you know, a culturally appropriate take on the truth.

The kid’s name is King. He signed the end of his journal entry.

Nice history lesson.