What's Selma like in 2017?

“Someone has definitely won here, but I don’t think it’s either of these women.”

You’re just jealous, hag.

white guilt causes stupidity and you are proof

LOL at blacks and their constant TNB.



Eat shit, sycophant.

Oh, “the root”, Gizmodo Media’s new segregated black ghetto. Cool.


Have you noticed that blacks have transformed Selma into a total shit hole since 1965???

White-guilt SJWs like Rachel helped Trump get elected.

January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017

Have you noticed that it isn’t 1965 anymore, and blacks have transformed Selma into a total shit-hole?

That chick is not white.

Have you noticed that it isn’t 1965 anymore, and blacks have transformed Selma into a total shit-hole?

Have you noticed that it isn’t 1965 anymore, and blacks have transformed Selma into a total shit-hole?

Have you noticed that it isn’t 1965 anymore, and blacks have transformed Selma into a total shit-hole?

pathetic sycophant

Have you noticed that blacks have turned Selma into a total shit-hole?

NEWSFLASH: It isn’t 1965 anymore.

Have you noticed that Selma is a total shit-hole now, thanks to blacks?

Wow, it is so weird that the white-guilt propagandists at Jezebel have totally ignored this important story, I guess it just doesn’t fit your horse-shit “progressive narrative” :