What's Selma like in 2017?

What’s Selma like now, Rachel? Is it still 1965 in your mind?


Wow, it is so weird that the white-guilt propagandists at Jezebel have totally ignored this important story, I guess it just doesn’t fit your horse-shit “progressive narrative :

Hey have you noticed that 80% black, black-”governed” Selma is a crime-infested shit-hole now?

Way to go, blacks!

Hey Rachel, what’s Selma like now? It’s not 1965 anymore, you do realize that, right?

Oh, black youf crime is so bad there’s a curfew for teens? AND they are going to make the curfew even more strict? WOW WHAT A SHOCKER

What’s that you say? Selma’s historic homes district has deteriorated into a shit-hole under black rule? WOW WHAT A HUGE SURPRISE!!!

Hey Rachel, are you stuck in 1965?
What is Selma like now that it is 80% black and “governed” by blacks?
What? It is a crime-ridden shit-hole, the most violent city in Alabama? SHOCKER!!!!! The schools suck too? WOW WHAT A BIG SURPRISE!

What have blacks turned the now-80% black Selma into? A functional civilized place, or a crime-ridden shit-hole?

Silly me, of course they have turned it into a crime-ridden shit-hole.

Do you whites at Jezebel ever get tired of white-guilt and white-knighting?

That gif really does a lot to dispel the “negative stereotype” that blacks have of being violent and impulsive with low future-time orientation.

Hey, naive white-guilt Jezebel libtards! Is it still 1965? It isn’t?
You mean Selma is an 80% black crime-ridden shit-hole now? What a SHOCKING SURPRISE!!!

What about 1994? I wonder what the New York Times had to say about Selma then?

Hey, naive white-guilt Jezebel libtards! What is Selma like now???

Oh yeah, it is a crime-infested 80% black shit-hole! Looks like everything the evil white segregationists predicted would happen back in ‘65 came true!

Hey, are you stuck living in 1965?

Have any of you naive white-guilters at Jezebel noticed that Selma (80% black) is a total black-crime-ridden shit-hole now?

Shades of South Africa, where ambulance crews are attacked by blacks daily!