There is really not enough wine in this world to get me to next Tuesday and possibly beyond if HRC wins. Comey fucks her over with emails she had nothing to do with and yet no ine is batting an eye that Trump is in bed with Putin.
There is really not enough wine in this world to get me to next Tuesday and possibly beyond if HRC wins. Comey fucks her over with emails she had nothing to do with and yet no ine is batting an eye that Trump is in bed with Putin.
This cat did it better 40 years ago. Chow chow chow!
He’s a conservative shithead, so “nothing good” is already inherent.
Chipotle burrito taken to its natural, digested conclusion. I laughed out loud and scared the dog and the husband. This may be the best one yet.
I don’t know - I like neither man but you can still respect the lip-chapping dedication involved. I wouldn’t have the stomach to work my tongue smooth on Trump’s sulphurous, orange peel ass.
They’ll only see it as further “proof” that the system is rigged, since they’re already convinced that there’s rampant voter fraud in support of Democrats, therefore the system is only punishing fraud that favors Republicans.
Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they…
I have no memory of this, my mother told the story at my grandfather’s wake to our assembled relatives as a ‘remember the time Tammster...’ story. Anyhow, apparently as a small child - toddler small - she used to take me a playgroup. There was an older child, although still smallish, who would regularly just walk up…
When I was four, I was on a whale watching trip with my parents. My mom was sitting between my dad and me. The swaying made me projectile vomit as I turned to say something to my mom. She ducked, and it hit my dad right in the face.
Huma’s husband doesn’t have a place in Philly, right?
All I’m sayin’ yo.
Yes, to answer the question in the headline I AM surprised.
This coupled with the standoff in Nevada a couple of years ago makes your statement way to true and way to scary. These are terrorists no matter how inept or undereducated and misinformed. They have explicitly talked about toppling our government and their hatred for our country. They challenged our nation and because…
Wait, wait. These guys got off? (dildo jokes aside.) What about the damage to Federal property? What about the threats against the FBI? What about the trashing of the Native American artifacts? What about their still-unpaid grazing bills?
DOI employee here. From my perspective, this sets a really scary precedent. I could be working in the field and have some militia asshole thinking I’m trying to “steal his land” point his rifle at me with no consequence because of this legal precedent.
This exchange has been the highlight of my morning.
If 2016 is any indication, yes.
There are many, many things that could form a comprehensive list, and I agree with what you say, too. :-) Um -- another thing that’s been a big deal that is mostly overlooked is media deregulation (another gift that got going under Reagan, iirc). It boggles my mind that there’s a whole generation of Americans who have…
I think it really comes down to 2 things Repubs have done that completely screwed regular folks over. One, union busting. Two, shifting tax burdens from corporations and the rich to the middle and lower classes. It’s a 1-2 punch that’s broken the backs of most of us and caused almost all the money to flow upwards,…
His “New Deal” for black people is probably pretty much like his “Make America Great Again” which is a thinly veiled paean to the 1950s, when men were the breadwinners, women knew their place, kids respected their elders, and all the non-whites were supporting characters willing to be ordered around and condescended…