
Very few people willingly infect anyone with anything, but we treat AIDS so differently than we do TB—as if TB is a blameless disease and AIDS is not.

“Commercial blood products” usually means distillations of complex compounds like Factor VII (the stuff that makes blood clot) that has medical applications for people who lack those compounds in their own blood. (Like hemophiliacs.) It’s incredibly valuable and expensive stuff, due to the amount of blood needed to

The book Spillover dedicates a large section to the spread of HIV and talks this, plus the myth of Patient 0. I’m glad they’re finally officially debunking it. It gives a good background of the possible route of the early infections (plural) with bushmeat hunters, and how it got going, facilitated by a plasma trade

It’s too bad that “who’s a good boy?!” kindness doesn’t extend to his electorate :-/

Man, it all makes sense now! I used my birth year as part of my online handle for years, and I never knew why everyone was either laughing or hitting on me until now! The things you learn on here, I tell you, never ceases to amaze. Sex number. Well I’ll be danged! 


I just saw that. Like, that hat is really more popular than Coca-Cola. Or toilet paper. Or beer. Or KY.

I saw the title and smiled.
I saw the author and started laughing.
Then I saw the pictures and was revulsed.

Agreed! Elizabeth is much more in line with my way of thinking. So was Bernie Sanders, but Hillary absolutely has my vote.

That quote is more apt to describe people who vote Republican. It’s truly amazing how they convince people to vote against their own self-interest time and time again.

There wasn’t a single eye roll, smirk, or cocked eyebrow.

This is what pisses me off about this. In most mental health care facilities workers are generally paid less than $12 dollars an hour to non-violently deescalate situations like this. My mom worked in a group home and got punched so hard that she had a black eye for over a month, and if she had retaliated or hurt

When they fill the infield with water?

Jia Jia the giant panda died on Sunday at the age of 38, having broken a world record for captive giant panda

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

I had finally gotten over my fear of having my ears pierced.

The funny thing is that when Ivana took over Trump Castle, the problem was that she did a better job than him and he couldn’t handle that. Jesus, what an asshole.