uh...yeah, 3 years ago.
uh...yeah, 3 years ago.
“i spread the censored word and wrote the wikipedia!”
I’m now getting super creepy Karla fanboy vibes.
She wasn’t charged with anything? She just did 12 years because of covfefe?
Not as bad as River Phoenix.
I dunno why, but there’s something about how boring and petty and absurd this feud is that makes it so entertaining to me, if only on an anthropological level. Like, it’s peak first world Beckyness. It’s an actual argument regarding the presumed ownership of human beings.
nobody puts baby in the courier
What a perfect way to raise a child who won’t fight back from a molester!
But the EMALS!
I’d also like to add this to Merkel’s list:
I can’t wait to be that old lady!
Don’t you ruin Tim Robbins for me, I am blissfully unaware
Fruit had nothing to do with it.
You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.
I had a friend in hs do this. My husband does sometimes too. And yet...I’ve never felt compelled to reciprocate.
You’re a good friend.
I just spent 15 minutes listening to my best friend/neighbors father recounting a story of almost being eaten by hyenas when he was a kid. That has nothing to do with this article I just wanted to tell someone.
Tiny? La La? What is this, Teletubbies?