Seriously. And she has promoted so much woo and bad science that I think she is a horrible influence.
Seriously. And she has promoted so much woo and bad science that I think she is a horrible influence.
Shooting a model and then whipping out your dick and suggesting she touch it may nottechnically be a threat or coercion, but it's also not very professional
Yes, but these are both actresses known more for their sex appeal than their body of work. They have a vested personal and financial interest here. The rest of us who don't lose money when we stop giving the 18-40 male demographic boners aren't going to prioritize "old and sexy" to the same degree.
Wait, but I thought Beyoncé was a feminist icon?
Did he take his dong out while photographing the president?
At the risk of sounding like one of those assholes who looks at a Pollack and scoffs "I could do that!"*—can someone explain what makes Richardson's technique special/appealing/etc? Serious question to photographers and photography lovers/students. He's got a definite style, but it seems pretty uncomplicated,…
Geez, I can't believe Cameron Diaz is "old." That means I'm really, really old. Ps I was at the taping of the Tonight Show when she was on two weeks ago and in person she looks like she's in her very early 30s at the most.
Why are these the exact two actresses I imagine would participate in this? Not to say Hollywood isn't hard on aging actresses, but you don't see Meryl Streep or Helen Mirren rattling on about how "old and sexy" they are in every single interview. But I guess if your entire brand was built around "sexy" and little…
I imagine that it is relatively easy to age gracefully if you are FREAKING beautiful to begin with!
This is one of the most well done scenes in movie history.
It helps to be a hot white blonde lady.
HOLY...SHIT. You....I.....dogs? He's... What...
As a recovering bulimic, the Gaga thing is triggering as fuck. Like, legit triggering. I hate her so much.
That is sofucking irresponsible for someone who says they suffered from bulimia. I don't care if it's art. I'm getting sick of female "entertainers" trying to leapfrog each other with ridiculous acts to get attention.
People are still willing to work with Roman Polanski and Woody Allen.
That part is so gross — it feels like a tacit acknowledgement of (and a very lame pseudo-apology for) the fact that he never once asked for consent.
So, Richardson apologized because she had a boyfriend and he might have offended this said boyfriend? Uuuuughhhh!