
Support Shield AND Cascadia Cup

It is funny how tiny the body they put him on is compared to how large he really is.

He's French.

They don't even look the same. They are probably just friends

YUP!! And you can actually go to MLS games which are REALLY fun!

Between the gifs and the bad writing this is hard to read.

Vespas have all of that and aren't motorcycles.

skeptics protested that "you could do that with any performer and it would sound just as bad."

Reading the words written by someone else.

How about his open letter announcing his retirement?

The world cup wasn't the only time he had bitten someone on the field, so basically it is just one of his moves.

Archer also jumps in the air and kisses his bicep. Still show boating. Archer is a hypocrite no matter what you think about Ortiz

This list is public cost and not total budget of building those stadiums. 400 million isn't the public cost of Beckham's stadium

Did anyone?

Well, since I've built up an immunity to Iocane powder...

maybe even twice!

Several have been on ABC

that guy is definitely anti soccer. He is among the "World cup is over, stop talking about soccer" crowd.

I'm guessing, just like most people alive today, the answer is no.

Ah, Baseball, where slightly waving at people is considered mocking.