
Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs are “worthless” to a tune of $40,000 minimum price right now.

Of course most NFTs were, and still are worthless. Because people will do anything they can to separate other people from their money, and creating useless NFTs is easy. What is not easy is building projects, ecosystems or works of art that are actually substantive, entertaining and/or useful. Just saying “NFTs are

I distinctly remember the Kickstarter campaign saying this game would take 20 years and cost 1 trillion dollars. So far everything is right on schedule.

That lady is wonderful, I wish she was my neighbor. It’s unusual to see someone devote so much time and effort to collecting something, and then be so happy to share their joy by letting people play with it. I did make the mistake of reading some of the comments, and like usual, am dismayed at how quickly people can

The loot system will need a complete redesign for anyone to stay interested in this game. I played a few hours each of 2 days and now have 30 chests queued that would take around 100 hours of waiting to open. And I had to spend gems twice to get the privilege of queuing up 30 chests instead of the default 10 that were

Musk will perform the same tasks as the ones that caused accidents so that he can bring his formidable problem solving and innovation talents to bear on the problem. He isn’t going to do the job as a regular factory worker. He will check it out and see if changes need to be made to the process. Given his track record

Huge Fallout fan, but I could quickly tell that I wasn’t going to enjoy this game nearly as much as I wanted to. Such amazing potential but something was missing. Don’t want to ruin it for myself so I’ll wait for all the DLC, bug fixes and mods made with the official creation kit to arrive before I play through this

He is getting hate for posting on an article about what Fallout 4 looks like as viewed from a Fallout 1 perspective and his contribution is to say in his opinion the game sucks. That is not an opinion anyone cares about within the context of this article.

Google “off duty cop stops shooting” and see how wrong you are.

What is wrong with you? You don’t believe cops can do anything to help protect us? From other people with guns? Or they have some crazy ulterior motive besides that goal? Seriously...“it is clear they are trying to take advantage of a renewed focus on stadium security issues”...to accomplish what? I remember the time

I feel like a good bit of rose colored glasses nostalgia is driving these negative reviews. Each game in the series had its highs points, and its flaws. I remember some great moments from each game going back to Fallout 1, like when I stumbled on the crashed spaceship and got my alien blaster. Or when I found the

The interface is fine. Bethesda spent their time making the open world awesome and the game mod-friendly so the community can make things like the interface into whatever they want. That is a huge part of these games. Stop whining and please don’t play Fallout anymore.