
This guy wrote this like Snyder screwed his wife.

What the fuck are you talking about?

I read both. They make zero sense together.

Nobody but tech nerds notice the difference between film and digital. You're wrong.

None. Because I'm not a whining pussy.

It's just you.

He never said it wasn't, moron.

EDIT: Yep, it was on How I Met Your Mother. I don't watch that show but I somehow caught it on there. Thew also had two songs on the OC soundtrack but I don't know if it was ever on the show itself.

EDIT: Yep, it was on How I Met Your Mother. I don't watch that show but I somehow caught it on there. Thew also had two songs on the OC soundtrack but I don't know if it was ever on the show itself.

So - lukewarm is a B-?  Your words make it seem like it ind of "meh" but you give it a B-?  Guess I don't get it.  But I'm still definitely going to get the album. Well, actually I already have it but it hasn't downloaded from Amazon yet. And I'm sure it's going to outpace most anything anybody else does - at least as

So - lukewarm is a B-?  Your words make it seem like it ind of "meh" but you give it a B-?  Guess I don't get it.  But I'm still definitely going to get the album. Well, actually I already have it but it hasn't downloaded from Amazon yet. And I'm sure it's going to outpace most anything anybody else does - at least as

Says the idiot that hasn't played it.