I thought this was AV Club, not Jezebel.
I thought this was AV Club, not Jezebel.
Is there anything that wouldn’t be too shameful for you to applaud the Democrats doing in order to get attention?
I think, and I may have missed a talking point or two, the gist of it is this:
It’s really annoying. I’ve been totally in sync with the idea that the left wing of the party has legitimate criticisms of the mainstream, but Splinter (and their writers on twitter) has recently gone into this mode of taking things out of context and being like “lol dems”. It’s making me wonder if the moderates have…
Honeatly, sometimes it is just indistinguishable from Fox News. The story here, it seems to me, is that following an election which we know Russia tried to influence for the benefit of the Republican presidential candidate, and ahead of an election they will almost try to influence, by messing with vote totals,…
Ok, how about the whole story? Republicans stripped funding for this from over $300M to $0. Literally $0. Mock all you want, but this is a legitimate issue. And if showing some awkard patriotism on the floor gets the action some media attention, I think that's a good thing?
Jose Grinda is perhaps the most famous and effective top prosecutor in Europe; has been for years. If he's helping out Mueller
with the case against Torshin and Donald Jr, they better worry.
“We are doing very well, and we are doing very well, probably as well as anybody has ever done with Russia. And there’s been no president ever as tough as I have been on Russia.”
It’s not like I’m dancing on the girl’s grave, but by 15, you have to take some personal responsibility. I ALSO understand how a mother who lost a child would rather take up a (perfectly fine) crusade rather than think “man, Madysyn sure fucked up”.
Even if it wasn’t prominent, if I had a peanut allergy, I would always look for that tiny print that says how the product was processed using equipment that is also used to process peanuts.
Tough to gauge the Takeout commentariat. I don’t know if you’re going to get 100 stars and a ton of like minded follow up comments, or derision and scorn for being a horrible monster with no heart.
He also got a sweet Casio tattooed on his wrist. Retro!
Plot twist: He also tattooed the shorts.
“Papa John Has Regrets.”
No it depend on a communist revolution NEVER happening. If it did he’d have nothing to bitch about and therefore nothing to blog about. He’d have to do actual work. I suspect this would be worse than death for HamNo.
I like how HamNo’s career path depends entirely on a communist revolution.
Oh my god, this a thousand times. I do this on the regular with my three year old, and admittedly, with my partner too.
It’s now the conspiracy theory party. Full on transition. A few years ago, we used to laugh at Alex Jones and condemn his stupid thoughts. Now those same thoughts are on Fox News and being repeated by Senators and House members. It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.