
Yes, why don’t flood victims just act like rational consumers and comparison shop for the best deal on water between price gougers? Let the free market decide who dies of thirst!

Not that the video isn’t cool, but I learned this back in grade school.

1. Having this on in the first place is dumb.

He didn’t say don’t buy a smartphone. He said maybe you shouldn’t go out and get the new iPhone. I think it was intended more for young people than for poor people.

While his phrasing was ham-handed, his premise is accurate. Financial responsibility is a lost art. I don’t have any pity for someone that pays $120+/month for a Verizon iPhone 7 with a 25gb data plan when they should be using a cheap droid with half the data on an “off brand” carrier. We all spend too much money on

Within the Star Wars Expanded Universe, the Yuuzhan Vong were a race of humanoid aliens originating outside the known galaxy. They were a very religious group, worshipping life to such an extent that any technology was “blasphemy,” and invaded in a sort of holy war.

He was only off by two feet.

^^Can’t tell if real or sarcasm.

So they cut out a useless middleman. Sounds like good business to me.

that seems super-complicated. i just use my cats’ names. my favorite cat is named XiOP3eg()#5g. if i need to use a new service, i just buy a new cat! easy.

“Cracking toast, Gromit.”

Yes. You certainly can use other units. You can drive your car backwards down the street too and get where you need to go, but you’re still doing it wrong. When you’re using a unit system where there is pounds force and pounds mass, as opposed to kilograms and newtons, you’re more likely to fuck up, because you’re

You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.

A.) Fuck the fish. They’re fucking fish.

Americans consider public transportation something only poor people use which is why politicians and voters don’t care about it. Every other industrialized “big government” country in the world seems to be able to provide their citizens with clean, well-functioning public transportation....primarily because they

Interesting. While the inventory part is very helpful, the part with the app, map, and shortest path is counter to a supermarket’s business goals. They want you in the store as long as possible, increasing the chance you’ll impulse-buy more stuff you otherwise wouldn’t have. That’s why dairy is always at the back of

...Sasuke? What the hell are you doing there?

Facts have no place here. This is Sparta the internet.

Luckily you can always record yourself with your phone and write it down later, right?