Leave the french out of this please.
Leave the french out of this please.
that’s a really idiotic way to waste money. If you guys don’t know what to do with your cash, send it to me, i’ve got lot of ideas with a real purpose.
I think a lot, and i really mean A LOT of people will lose 1 Airbud overtime. Lose or misplaced, whatever. Anyway, is there any plan to sell single replacement? Like do i need to buy 2 new Airbuds because i’ve lost the left one?
It looked like a good idea, until you realised you’d have to push the sofa to access to that table. The realistic outcome is that you’ll get too lazy to do it, or you’ll never put it back, or just put it under the sofa. Yeah I know, genius right? They engineered that whole sofa, thinking, where to put that tiny table…
boo fucking hoo
i wish you never fall while drinking with your great metal straw... It could end up stuck in your brain, and you would die. Dumbly.
even under normal circumstances, HK beach are not a “releaxing paradise”. Not one i would go swimming at least. And most of people in HK won’t swim in South Lantau, they will just lie on the sand, far from the water, and that’s it. Or they will sail, or dragon boat, or whatever, but they won’t go to swim. Except for…
yeah, it’s the same than morphine. It’s a great product against pain, but it’s not needed by 99.9% of the people in the street. But otherwise it’s a great product, we should put it in supermarket, make commercials, and tell kids they probably need to take some to avoid ... ... stuff.
that’s kind of stupid... Oh snap, the 2 most produced crops in the world used most of the water! That’s a freaking breaking news! Why don’t you a graph that compare water consumption per “portion” That way it gives an interesting information rather than just showing a nice picture and adding some BS around it
exactly my thought. If i had that much money at my disposal, you bet i would make contingency plans like pile of gold and cash hidden somewhere in case my asset were frozen, some low key discreet housing here and there owned by shell company when i need a discreet place to crash, and a doom’s day house. And a helipad…
after looking at the plan i don’t know what makes you think of a bunker exactly? There’s a lot of window for a bunker, and it’s single story, and no mention of any basement. It really doesn’t feel like a bunker at all. Or even a panic room
they probably would have to put it on the plans too.
Exactly!!! I really don’t get why people make such a big deal about this book! There was a lot of potential in the story, and it turns out very disappointing.
This will also make totally invisible to any woman of mating age. Quite the Sci-Fi tech, or a light version of the Ring
Why the solar panel are rotating that much? I understood it makes it very dramatic, but that would be totally inefficient. They need to maximize sun exposure to generate electricity, not rotate around the ship axis to look cool.
Seveneves was one the best read i’ve had this year so far. I’m trying to finish Aurora, but i’m getting bored to death, having to skip so much lines which doesn’t advance the plot at all and just look like disgression to me. Think about the “genesis” chapter in American Psycho. Same stuff.
i used to call my dad’s phone, just to hear his voice on the answering machine after he passed away. Made me cry every time...
You’re missing the point. It’s not about “it ws very easy to make that Everest presentation”, it’s about “look at how cool a presentation could look if it were using our hardware for display”
i must be old, because i don’t give a f#### about those so called digital celebrities, or their little problem, or people trying to make a living talking about them. I seriously don’t care. At all. For real.