Damn, almost sounds like they are taking a page from the Penn State rule book. Act like they are investigating, find nothing, let things go on as normal to prevent issues and hope they don’t get caught.
Damn, almost sounds like they are taking a page from the Penn State rule book. Act like they are investigating, find nothing, let things go on as normal to prevent issues and hope they don’t get caught.
He was just trying to weed out “those people” You know, the bad ones..
yes, Equislacks owns TrustID.
All credit scores should stop being a legitimate reference for people’s credit worthiness.
Ublock Origin FTW!
the company just wants to cover it’s ass and doesn’t care about the people impacted. If the feds had a spine and/or balls, they would hit Equislacks with a MASSIVE fine and start insider trading investigations against the execs who cashed out.
so they are doing it now? After 45 got in the WH? I am suspicious of this.
Sounds like he is a perfect fit for the Florida TGOP. Local chairman who-gives-a-fuck-who-he-is is just pissed that Tarheel got caught.
Scott Pruitt talking is insensitive to all of life on this planet
Yes it is.
But those people have the best parties! How can you hate them?!
I’m inclined to agree with you.
God could appear and in a booming voice say “I’m doing this because you elected a tiny handed pussy grabbing douche!!!” and the TGOP base will still not believe it.
don’t blame the Earth at all at this point.
Texas A&M. Not a surprise at all
I would say education, but since DeVoss is in charge of that, that’s a no-go
She would have missed..
Amen. I wonder how much of that “positivity” will be sent to the drivers? Oh yeah, none since the Uber employees seem to view the Uber drivers as lowlifes.