Whatever you say Skippy!

Yep. Turn on VPN, install ad blockers and hope some sanity can come back into the government someday. Still on the bright side, maybe the rest of the world will cut off the US Internet wise. Not that the vast herd of 45 and TGOP supporters will notice.

Much better! Love doggoo kisses!

Swear to God?

It’s been a while, but for that comment, you get a special GIF

Insert various “WTF?!” gifs here.

So this is what it means when the TGOP says that churches should help!! “Christian” churches lock the doors and say prayers!!

Why should I stop calling an old white racist what he is? Once you identify a thing, you can work on taking care of it. 

oh those pork projects!! Head start (that helps children), NOAA planes (to track storms to help people prepare for things like this) and the Smithsonian..a museum dedicated to preserving American history. But then I guess a TGOP supporter like yourself don’t care about such things.

That’s something I guess.

Yeah, no one is looking out for the pets. Donate and help them out!

Let me guess. The TGOP voters are “Christians” who can’t share cause Jesus said that the poor are evil.

“But it’s only brown and poor people who will die!”

not a surprise. If a Nazi can’t get a job in local law enforcement, they can always work for ICE.

too much stupid for his head.

People did contact the police and they did NOTHING!!! Video showing the attack was sent to the police and they did NOTHING!! The CPD were protecting these scum and I have zero respect for them.

I’m glad I have a hybrid now for when gas prices go up! Even the state I live doesn’t get any gas from Texas! Fuck the oil companies and their enablers in Congress!

Look at the gun shooter’s skin color. That is why the police did nothing. Like someone mentioned, the cops were protecting the outsiders, not the people who live there.

Those are different since they support the orange one. They are “good”

sounds like having multiplayer in a game could really help out.

Which one? 45 or Black Mike? Both?