Whatever Kati Wants

I mean, I’m no Trump fan whatsoever, but as a kid in the early 90s, I was into lemonade stands (well, my sister and I sold soda cans on neighborhood garage sale day and made bank... we might have tried to sell Kool-Aid at some point too) and arrowheads (never scammed anyone with them, though.)

Horrific is the right word, and you’re absolutely correct about the stereotypes meaning nothing. It’s a totally different landscape than a decade ago. My sister told me about how some town governments will send out emergency messages about bad batches, begging people to just not use for one day or to do it around

I’m sorry. It amazes me that people would think Asians don’t experience racism and discrimination, and will even deny it when you tell them so. Probably the same people who turn around and say some “ching-chong” bullshit. A close friend of mine was born in China. Her stories about fetish-seekers approaching her

I’m so sorry. I don’t understand why hearing people would be so hostile. No one close to me is HOH, but several of them have other disabilities. It’s aggravating to see how so many people are totally ignorant and/or insensitive to that.

Can you clarify? Are you saying this stuff is women’s fault and it’s because we’re shallow?

Damn, do I understand this. “[H]e apologizes nicely and indulges you in a thoughtful conversation after the offending incident.” “These men, in turn, are unusually willing to Talk It Out, often leading to maddening head games.” It’s incredibly discouraging. Sadder and wiser, I try to stay away from these types, but

Other than hinting that it’s totally fine to use an abortifacient in case there’s questions over the paternity.

I watched “Harlan County, USA” recently and wondered how all the very reasonable anger had been misdirected so badly since then.

Yep. My last trip there, in January, was for a funeral due to heroin.

Bingo! And the Louisville clinic probably has a lot of southern Indiana patients. The only clinic I can think of in southern Indiana is in Bloomington, unless Columbus or Evansville have one. There are only 3 in Indianapolis, a metro area of nearly 2 million. Some folks in southwestern KY are within range of TN

I know. It sucks. But they have their reasons (grew up in families that abused drugs and alcohol) and it’s not worth it to try changing their minds.

Aww, and you sound fun! We’re generally not, but he KNEW my parents are very against drugs and alcohol due to growing up in families that abused them. He and I smoked together regularly.

I live in Indianapolis. I had a coworker from Chicago, 3 hours away. She told us that her friends were going to call her parents (who still lived in Chicago) and say that she’d been in a bad car wreck and was in the hospital. Then she would call them like an hour later and tell them she was fine, it was a joke. The

I’m just excited that you and the author of this article graduated from HS the same year as I did, apparently. 2004?

Definitely agree. My boyfriend is multiracial, liberal, and feminist as hell, and he’s loved comics for eons. He’s quite vocal about maladjusted neckbeards and negative/problematic/nonexistent depictions of women and minorities.

Having seen this up close, it can work sometimes, but the stakes are very high for both parties.

Yes, I remember reading that Eartha Kitt, among many other celebrities of the past, did not know her birthdate or age until 1998.

Yep. I’m pretty infuriated just by the environmental cost - not to mention the financial and human costs.

I guess one small consolation is the Mexican side will probably have some really cool graffiti in a few years.