
I’m not 11

You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.

I actually think housing shortages are the bigger problem with AirBnb than hotel lobbyists. I’m sure the latter are pissed that a significant portion of their business has found accommodations elsewhere, but in dense city places where people purchase housing specifically to rent out takes those dwellings away from

No worries.

I have so many questions, on why this woman is up on the counter.

Scotch eggs and Yorkshire pudding are two foodstuffs I’m continually amazed haven’t travelled. They seem so perfectly unhealthy for American tastes.

I feel like Jezebel writers do that in general, where men ruining women’s lives is fucking evil, but women ruining men’s lives is...“a little bit funny.” It’s pretty fucked.

He applied again a few years later, and they asked why he rejected the position in the first place. That is how he found out he had originally been accepted.

That is fucking evil.

...the best Fantastic Four movie to date.


I’m relatively close to 40 and I literally just found a haircut that works for me for the first time in my life. Who knows what wonders the future could hold for me?!

please do it

I’m going to put this as gently as I can... Go fuck yourself. I mean, the family could have just smothered the kid as soon as he was born so the IHOP manager wouldn’t have had to deal with a new situation, right? Can I get an amen?

“The broader conversation about Steam’s content policies is one that we’ll be addressing soon,”

Is ‘soon’ like, real world soon or Half-life 3 soon?

Agreed. I thought when this thing was announced that the reboot would’ve been better without Roseanne. Dan was supposed to be dead at the end of the first run thanks to some straight-up soap opera horseshit, so why not have Roseanne gone as well? She and “new husband” moved to a survivalist camp in Montana or

She doesn’t need the money, as her wife is worth tens of millions of dollars. I think maybe this is a case of her wanting to return to this awesome experience from her youth but you can’t go home again if your home turned into a racist garbage fire.

I think this is the reasonable response.

I’m 100% on board with cancelling the show, but I just don’t understand why ABC had to go and give her a platform to begin with. Her Twitter has been filled with hate for a long time and by ABC giving Barr her sitcom back, it emboldened her to be more vitriolic. And before everyone responds to me, money cannot the