
I could never afford to buy rockband. I can now but they don’t sell the drum kit. Still hoping to get it used someday.

I have seven Swith exclusives, two of which were also on the Wii U so you could exclude them if you want. Two of those are indie exclusives, Golf Story & Snipper Clips. The rest are Nintendo made games & Mario Plus Rabbids. I don’t have ARMS. It seems fine to me but I like Nintendo games in general. I have to say that

Kevin Spacey just seems like a scary dude.

My grandmother was born in 1929 (I think) and she refused to wear pants because she thought it was unladylike or something. My aunt finally convinced her to put on pants to wait for the bus during a snow storm in the 1980's. After that she swore she would never leave the house in a skirt again. And she added ‘keeping

I thought Granny Weatherwax, Lady Sybil, and even Cheery Littlebottom were just great. I never liked Angua but she did feel like a fully realized character. Love the witches.

Maybe this book should become a movie. It sounds like the story is good but the characterization is lacking. They just need to get a decent script writer to touch it up.

I can relate. I saw it with a group of teenage girls and at the end everyone else loved it and I was really confused about what they saw in it. I saw a pathetic man getting uncomfortably close to a young woman who was vulnerable because she was lonesome and cut off from western culture. I guess he is supposed to seem

Oh man. You have my respect for sticking to your guns to get to the bottom of everything.

You don’t think they were just giving him enough rope to hang himself with? I suspect Howard Stern had heard something since he went there in the first place.

Wow. This should be added to the article.

Have you been tested for celiac? With this list of symptoms you should be tested.

How is it that the fan made game avoided this pitfall and yet the “real” Sonic team dove in head first?

I just skipped the article and scrolled down to the colour story today. Keep up the good work.

My aunt gets her misinformation from a televangelist. People who want to be misinformed will be misinformed. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable and people would rather believe a lie.

I didn’t see the movie. Was she a terrible boss? I have a terrible boss who only wears high heels and uses them as an excuse to get out of doing everything. She always has to take breaks to fiddle on her computer in the back of the store because her feet are killing her. She couldn’t possibly climb a ladder, she needs

Yes! Trades are the worst for this and it’s actually so hard to replace a good tradesman or a designer or drafter who actually understands how things are made. Stupid managers abound.

I turned off the Zelda mini map at your suggestion but I eventually needed it on for the divine beasts. I think being able to toggle it on and off is fine. I hope you can toggle off those compasses as well.

Gotta agree. For most of this you can at least tell what she means. And I’m guessing she meant to say ‘cultural mosaic,’ which is a term Canadian politicians like, but it came out ‘overlay’. I hate ‘architecting’ but the rest gets a pass from me as long as Ivanka isn’t up for the presidency.

1966-1968, but I believe they only allowed condoms.

Yeah, I was about to say. In my parent’s generation the Vatican briefly approved of birth control before reneging and everyone was like, too late, no take-backs!