One thing that Pryor doesn’t suck at: causing opposing cornerbacks to screw-up their subject-verb agreement.
“Try having four. You can’t lose!”
Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.
He is a race car driver, not an engineer or accountant. His mission is to win races and championships. Don’t like it? Don’t let him win pole..
Complete bullshit.When you’re the best employee at producing results you can get away with ignoring orders/rules from time to time.
I don’t like politics in my video games!
“Watch all of these”
Notre Dame players think that they can simply apoligize during the last minute of the game all their personal fouls will magically disappear.
I would say Rodgers is mailing it in, but apparently no one’s received even a birthday card from him in years.
I hope someone got Jensen’s permission before using his likeness. He didn’t ask for this.
We call that Freedom Foam.
This is why Trump won. We got tired of people like this calling us dumb so we decided to show them how dumb we really are.
What’s this “park” that you speak of? You put it in neutral to save wear on you left leg.
“It occurs all over the place, sadly.”
Citation needed.