
Your story about changing your mind is so stunningly similar to where I am in my life right now. I had never given a second thought to children, and been clear with my husband that they weren’t on my agenda. 15 years together, and there’s little to no further discussion on the matter, then he hits 40 and has a

Oh heaven help us, do not get me started on the burden of Christmas on women, because we will end up with our hair on fire in a house full of bullet holes.

A life for her! Yes! I would favourite this comment for life. It made me think of two things that I’m sure will make you laugh. First, I always make my hub take the kids if we grocery shop together. One day, he had our screaming baby. We arrived at the checkout at the same time and the cashier was shocked. “That’s

Those are the funniest party favors I’ve ever heard of! You’re a genius!

Thank you so much for responding. I have four children — three biological and one foster — born over a very large time span. The eldest is 34 (and has a child of her own) and the youngest is 12. I’ve been raising children without a break since I was 18, and while I’m thankful every single day for how extraordinary

Been there. Congratulated my college roommate on her pregnancy a week before she miscarried. Awful. 😕

I remember when my husband first saw our baby. He had been kind of skittish about the whole thing (so was I-we were really young). The nurse said something like “hey Dad, come and see your baby.” He immediately went over and said “hi baby”. Another second passed and he started crying and repeating “hi baby! hi baby!”.

my aunt had trouble conceiving so when my mom told me she was pregnant, i immediately sent a card.  she lost the baby a few days after i sent it. well, in my defense, i was young...er than i am now.

These two are cocking it up for everyone.

When I was pregnant, for the first time, I was living about 700 miles from home. I was so sad (undiagnosed peripartum depression also known as F ing nuts). So, back home, my sisters threw me a shower with all the aunties and cousins and took tons of pictures.Then they put all the gifts in a car and drove the presents

I didn’t have many friends while pregnant, either. My mom (who lives out of state) drove all the way over to me and held a shower at an aunts house. I drove myself there and brought with me my (incredibly messy, pill popping) friend. She proceeded to talk over every conversation, interrupt every game and follow my

The most over-the-top baby shower I’ve ever been to was in a rented mansion, decorated in specific colours (not Pantone, but still), catered by two different restaurants, had an open bar with six different types of brown liquor, a selfie spot, a table with a wall of presents about six feet high, and all the women

Wow. That sounds like a fun party for everyone but you. I’m so sorry that that was your shower, never mind if you wanted one or not. Was everything better later?

I worked at a huge furniture company with a team of about 12 receptionists. There were a few older ladies and one had never been married and was already in her 50's so we knew she was never going to have children but she got an adorable white shitzu puppy. We decided to throw her a surprise puppy shower. Everything

Yes, I think an epilogue is necessary here.


Okay, now I just want to know if the baby was healthy and if motherhood ended up suiting you? The people I’ve known who were reluctant but did it for a mate are split about 50/50 — some were surprised by over-the-top joy, others are like, “meh.”

So I’d say my first baby shower, or should I say my husbands baby shower, was a bit over the top.

Holy Crap, my story made the cut! *cradles bouquet of roses and cries off mascara*

The time a certain relative got so upset about a younger sibling getting pregnant first that she decided to get pregnant as well. During the shower.