
Douche comment.

You did a great job reviewing this mess and gave it, I think, far more credit than it was due. Todd Margaret sounded like such a great idea when it first launched a few years ago - DC gets to do his own show for the BBC; what could go wrong? I watched each season and none of it was particularly thoughtful. Sadly, none

Watch the images Elliot flips through at the end - Slater is reading this book to the boy

I wouldn't have said so a generation ago when being a film critic was a still a going concern, but these days, pretty much everyone is a film critic, so, yes, the "profession", such as it once was, has been devalued. There are, after all, thousands of registered "reviewers" on Rotten Tomatoes.

Dude, it is a light romantic comedy featuring Jermain Clement as a single father…charming is about as good as one is going to get. D'Angelo is a pedantic hack with an ax to grind…

Alright - first, I looooove the show too. What a pleasure to find a program that doesn't write young people to sound like vapid reality tv contestants. Even without the twists this would be a wonderful show - beautifully shot, clever writing, great performances and fantastic sound design.
HOWEVER - All that having

Nightcrawler was genius. D'Angelo can't bring himself to give it a higher grade because all his scripts have been rejected because, y'know, insider hollywood bullshit, man…
To be fair to Nightcrawler, Mike D'Angelo is a crap reviewer - one look at his goony mug shot here
gives you an idea of

Y'know what might have help to save China IL? If sites like AVClub had bothered to do regular coverage, over, say, Teen Wolf or WWE Monday Night Raw….

I was one of the people who wrote in pleading to cover this season after Dennis Perkins summarily dismissed the season with a B-. This is the best show of the season and one of the best in the last year or so. My point - maybe Dennis Perkins needs to find another place to peddle his musings. Thanks to AVClub for

what was your favorite part of the book? the part where the narrator recounts the plot of War Games or the part where the narrator recounts the plot of Blade Runner or the part where the narrator recounts the plot of Ghost Busters or the part where the narrator recounts the plot of the Back to the Future trilogy or

How about this - Ready Player One was garbage. Reading it, I was reminded of Chris Farley's exhausting "Hey, remember that time when…that was awesome" character. Bored, lazy fanboys reminiscing about their favorite mainstream popular culture moments in storybook form; thats RPO - no plot, no subtext, no character

but this last episode, it was printed on the screen during the newscast and again on the bodega sign…

Actually, Evil Corp is printed both on the tv screen during the newscast about the data dump and on the sign in the bodega this episode - I don't know what to make of this

Anyone else notice this - up to this point, characters used E Corp and Evil Corp interchangeably (even executives at the company) and this seemed fine - a big, casual in-joke. However, this episode, Evil Corp is printed on the screen during the news cast covering the data dump (and, less significantly, on the notice

thats a pretty creepy/shitty thing to write; either you have a beautiful baby or you were a beautiful baby or, more likely, you are another snarky, childless hipster clogging the web with your lazy observations. most babies don't really come into their own until reach 2 or 3. the little girl on the show is lovely.

until the sedative flub I thought it was just nerves. now I think he has a reading problem.

if they can't teach him to read the cards and get the marbles out of his mouth by the end of the season he needs to go. it isn't cute any more, just awkward and embarrassing…

Che is worst. I honestly think there is some white guilt at work here because Jost gets picked on each week and, granted, he is like amnesia in a suit, but at least he can READ HIS LINES. Che is still stumbling around like he has opening night jitters. He needs an eye exam or a tutor or something. Dump the both of