
“I had never even heard about kabaddi! Professional athletics is something that, at this point in my life, I never thought I’d be embarking on.”

No problem with it for me. Some band’s formations only go to X. Theirs go to XI

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

A bronzed god with silver hair issues forth a golden shower.

Well, Lochte might not be a good representative of America, but at least he’s an accurate one.

The joke wasn’t funny the first time.

It’s breathtaking.

Not very diplomatic if you ask me.

ALW: That’d give me one more trophy than Ichiro, wouldn’t it?

Isn't Deadspin usually on the players' sides in instances like this? These LaRoche stories seem to all be in the tone unlike anything else on this site. And, now that we know it was in LaRoche's contract, it really is a fucked up situation.

.484/.485/.742 since he came back from the DL.

because no one cares?

I'm here. I like throwing baseballs.