
Also box braids, not BOXER BRAIDS, are a real thing.

My final four: Attila Freska, Rusty Justice, Jasmine Alburquerque-Croissant, & Langstaff Dickerson.

I’m so sorry this happened to you.

Only a 14-seed for Tchaikovsky Cantalicio??

Chizu Shimizu Buckalew is an extremely strong 15 seed.

Having suffered years of sexual abuse from my own father and being too afraid to tell anyone, the fact that this young woman had the strength to tell a trusted adult speaks VOLUMES about her. I wish I could hug her and tell her how brave she is.

My head is saying Bevis Mugabi but my heart says Taco Pope.

Convenient how at the end no one mentions that this is how he talks about US. An ad full of women, and no, we’re not upset on account of our little old selves, heavens no! We’re just upset that he’s talking this way about men’s wives! Men’s sisters! Men’s DAUGHTERS!


Yes. I have come to realize that men who pay dominatrixes, are doing so to have their fantasy sex holiday, with hourly rates. Their fantasies/enactments of submission are just a spicy condiment for their unrelenting entitlement. Sigh.

If this made her feel powerful and helped with her healing, then that’s awesome but I’m troubled by the idea that a dominatrix is inherently powerful (and that male submissives are inherently safe).

I still love him, even if he knows dick about cat dick.

Wait, am I still made of moonbeams and star shine?

I believe Malala Yusafsai was entirely correct when she told Obama that investing in education for girls would have been far more of an efficient method of combating terrorism than the drone program, or the support of rival fighter groups. Preventative or restorative investments in civil society and infrastructure are

I said it before and I’ll say it again. A rich white man lives in a bubble of privilege transitions into a rich white woman living in a bubble of privilege. Her awful opinions aren’t surprising.

She is just a Republican male on the inside.

I don’t think it’s a question of intelligence; I think it’s one of caring. She will never need an abortion or social welfare benefits, so in her mind those issues are unimportant. It’s like when I hear about how tax plans affect people with a lot of investment income — that’s not me and it’s never going to be me, so

A) Last time I checked, Caitlin Jenner killed someone.

I dunno man. Isn’t this EXACTLY why you brake-check someone? :)