
I think he also has an expensive breadmachine. That is not a euphemism.

Who is that in the Instagram pic? There are so many things I like about him. Most of all his kitchen counter tops and his biceps.

I wasn't diagnosing or suggesting how to parent. If I was doing that I'd have said "I think she's x" or "have you tried doing x". And I wouldn't say that shit because I'm not a parent. I did say I had crippling self esteem as a kid, but there were all sorts of reasons for that, none of which were selective mutism.

I dont think she had the weight to redirect the show though. Yes she is amazing at what she does but unless you got some major weight behind you you dont run the show the producers do. She could try all she wants to be positive during the show and all we would see would be her catty remarks thanks to some smart

People really don't recognize her hustle. She was/is a straight D-lister, per her old show. She worked that angle to become a popular underdog and icon in her own right. She was never bitchy or came across as greedy. She makes jokes about being bitchy and greedy but at the end of the day she comes across as honest. I

I mean, I'll be honest: I don't get why so many liberals like the Clintons so much. They do have some good policies, but I've always seen then in part as the couple that sold out American labor the hardest in the 20th century.

Is that the pantsuit color wheel?

Whether or not she's mad has yet to be determined, but she is correct. If you're not going to answer a question that someone asked, don't include it on here. Also, the idea that nail envy works with no support makes me think paid sponsorship but also that you're encouraging us to pay for a placebo effect.

This advice is kind of shit. "Don't get rid of your scar, that's dumb! Here I did five seconds of googling for you." "Tankinis are dumb, don't wear them! Here's a one piece, which you said you didn't want [because YES they are a PITA and bathroom trips are hard enough with a kid in tow], and doesn't cover the stomach

... I just push the A button. Seems easier that way.