Especially in China . . . probably dogs.
Especially in China . . . probably dogs.
What a load of crap. I’m embarrassed for everyone involved.
I'm going to need to see that little girl doing some actual design without her mom in the room.
I never said she shouldn’t enjoy fashion. Making clothes, drawing pictures, making scrapbooks, etc. are all enriching pursuits for a child. It’s the blog I object to. Why does a child need publicity?
What is this Gay Denny’s? I'm so intrigued!
So we’ve officially entered the Amy Schumer Era. This can only be good for America.
She realized she was on camera. She just didn’t have the self control to hold back the vitriol once she got going. Can you imagine how she treats the people in her life?
This entire episode was organized by a paid FBI informant. So what we have is more fake terrorists going away for 10 years. All in the name of keeping us on-board the “global war on terror.”
A little sodium is what makes it palatable. Pure water is not nice to drink.
It's not just nestle who does this. MANY bottled water companies are drawing from the pacific southwest, where they own the land and water table rights.
Jesus always struck me as the crossfit type.
Just wanted to say that you should not flush cat litter down the toilet, at least not on the West Coast — sea lions are dying here in California due to cat parasites in the water.
You argue that people with mental illnesses shouldn't be legally able to consent to anything? Speaking as one of the millions of people with mental illnesses, I have to say that that is one of the most fucked up ideas I've ever heard.
If she had legal representation and understood the consequences, I'm fine with it. She has as much agency to make choices as anyone else. If she chose this to avoid trial, I'm fine with it.
Plea deals are consent. The two parties come to an agreement.
Didn't the accused make the choice here?
Forced sterilization is wrong. Sterilization as a choice to avoid jail time is fine.