
You’re a retard.

How you managed to gather offense from that comment is quite a feat

As a gay man who has felt marginalized by individuals and the system during this election, I want to thank you for continuing to support the cause. Fuck the bitter assholes who reamed you for supporting your voice and your beliefs. We all need to be on the same team, and demeaning and demoralizing someone for an

That was an obnoxious response Cavalish and Lady Lunch Lady gave to you — offering support is not a bad thing. Fuck that nonsense.

I’ll go back into my hole now. Sorry about showing up and trying to show support like a normal human.

On behalf of all straight, white men that did not vote Trump, I’m sorry and will do whatever I can to help right the ship for everyone.

The Satanic Temple. I’m deadly serious - the work hard with little to maintain a separation of church and state. For reproductive freedom. And other worthwhile causes. https://thesatanictemple.com/campaigns/