This is what the people want... they want the old school to live forever... “my guy was harder than all these youngsters” “my guy don’t play that”
This is what the people want... they want the old school to live forever... “my guy was harder than all these youngsters” “my guy don’t play that”
Donald Trump delivered a speech in which he inadvertently coined a new word, “sequesture.” What does it mean?!
This is an important step... but this is another planned Trump/Bannon distraction.
When there is a taco truck on every corner it makes it harder to drive. Which encourages traffic stops. The traffic stops lead to possible murders.
I know this is incredibly difficult for the writers at Jezebel (and many commenters) to understand, but, Beyoncé is just a woman who sings a couple catchy songs. That’s it. Just some woman with a good voice that none of us knows personally. Commence the gnashing of your teeth and screaming how wrong I am.
I guess I should’ve known by the way she parked her car sideways that it wouldn’t last.