
Oh look, another Californian who thinks he’s better than everyone else just because he’s from Cali. No surprise there. Have you even been to Florida? I don’t live there, but I have visited there many times and always had a good time. Beautiful beaches and nice people. By the way, being southern does NOT mean you’re an

Shhh... Not so loud.

Florida ain’t shit on the meth - based crime scale. The midwest has always taken the title of most fucked up meth problems, and these kkind of busts happen quite often in rural areas. Those never hit the headlines because everybody else in the area has already seen it, or lost someone to meth addiction in one fashion

Florida is unfairly maligned because of its laws. It’s really easy (practically automatic) for media to get police records here. Other states protect their citizens better from media exposure so there is a greater volume go find fucked up shit in

The Florida jabs are tired and classist, usually coming from urban so-called liberals who pretend to care about working-class people but actually despise them.

J.E.B is his intials...

Wow! Another Californian with a superiority complex! Why am I not surprised...

I’ve been all over the United States, and I’ve never seen a state or region without major problems. People outside the South just don’t understand it, which is kinda great for us, but keep in mind....no one ever says, “I’m going to retire and move up North”

As someone who lives in NorCal and has lived in Florida you really don’t know what the fuck you are talking about here and should stop trying to justify this dumb shit take immediately.

The Redneck Riveria is Panama City; that’s the panhandle, not north of Palm Beach. And JEB! (Capitalization required) has been out of office for more than five years.

Is that an actual giant pelican inches from her face? Holy crap, can’t unsee this. This is absolute nightmare fuel for me. Large birds with pointy beaks that can stab your eyes out and not give a fuck and generally mess up your day is probably in the Top 3 biggest phobias for me. Nope nope nope.

So is SoCal.....

You’ve not been aware of US populations much.....

....and the people in Cali are blissfully unaware that they are even there....

.....North Carolina and New Mexico beg for an Honorable Mention................

Apparently Mazda has a longstanding history with substance abuse.

Ah, I see now. You are a coastal elite in California. Because the methest states are Illionois, Missouri, Indiana and Tennesee as of 2013.

Just because you’re from California doesn’t mean you understand grammar.

I guarantee you that someone in your state is cooking meth in a car at this very moment.