
The most beautiful thing about it is this organization, all their players know what’s going on.

Your point number 1 is a bad take, but 2 really should be common sense, which a lot of parents and people in general are lacking these days.

Why doesn’t NASCAR use the same method as F1 after a race? Driver drives the car directly to a holding area where the team’s pit crew cannot access it. Letting a crew have access to a car directly after a race gives plenty of time and access for shit like this.

I haven’t seen a box score like that since Tim Tebow! Wow!

Nobody cares about chatlogs!!!!

Tom when you leave the stock number visible it makes it really easy to google “VW Golf R (stock number)“ and find the exact dealer ad.

What I found myself wondering: were they even at the stadium? I didn’t see the very first intro, but I watched the game from opening kickoff to the coaches handshake and I didn’t see them on screen once. Usually during the broadcast they’ll cut to the announcer’s booth a couple times, at least. And they didn’t make

The Jags also beat the Pats in the pre-season (in a game which I admit means nothing)!!

Obviously its millionaires vs billionaires, but millionaires can still get good lawyers.

Contracts don’t mean shit if you have money. And the NLFPA has money.

So. Husband fucked it up.

Bigger hands: Alex Smith, or Donald Trump?

Most D’s put a backer or DE on a back coming out for a route though. Best hope for NE on that play would have been a zone call with a DB or safety picking up the route in time to defend the catch.

The address is for the Houston Country Club, so no telling where it actually came from.

It’s always been the word of the police vs. the word of the suspect. And the trend in the legal system has been to believe the police because they have no reason to lie.

McMahill said that officer didn’t have his body camera turned on, and he did not know why.

I can’t stand for flagrant rule breaking like this, what with the use of a smart watch. That’s the equivalent of the guy texting a coach stolen plays. I hope MLB comes down hard and fast on the Sox.

Osweiler was shitty and pissy when he left Denver because he felt like he was the heir apparent after Manning left. Then he asked for more money (barely) than the Broncos were willing to give him and Denver basically said “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out to Houston,” and there was no love lost between

What about fuel? If you estimate 23mpg and a $3.00 cost (numbers I pulled out of my ass), that’s still only $39,130. Add that to your numbers...and still not anywhere near $70k.

I will never forget or forgive Houston “fans” for running Andre Johnson out of town. And they’ll be the same ones clamoring for Watson to come in and get his career off to a premature, ruinous start.