
Another Houston resident chiming in to say FUCK OFF, this article was a great read!

When he first started out, he made videos like “How to drive a manual transmission” and stuff and they were basically How-To style videos.

Nah they’re just idiots who wrote an article without realizing Audi was using numbers between 45 and 70, even though they included a tweet showing the full range.

Please do Diablo 2. Please do Diablo 2. Please do Diablo 2!!

It’s not even FUCKING CLOSE! Hitting a baseball is sometimes said to be one of the most difficult things to do in sports, and that’s just getting the bat on it! There are players in the majors who hit less than 5 home runs a season with hundreds of at bats, and they practice virtually every day! Hitting a home run is

You guys BOTH missed the point. It’s not that they used the cards to buy electronics and then pawn them. It’s that they did that and THEN REPORTED THE CARDS STOLEN, presumably then getting cards reissued with more money on them.

Specifically, to add to the other replies, this is called “Felony Murder” and is treated differently from 1st or 2nd degree murder.

The difference between first and second degree is premeditation. If they can prove the guy was sitting at home last week, thinking about how he was going to drive into a crowd to kill people, they can get first degree. If all they can prove is the guy was in his car and decided in the heat of the moment that he was

Of course the biggest dickback in the 1st part is some guy in America in a Corvette LOL.

Nirvana - I Hate Myself and I Wanna Die

5oz/hour vs 9oz/day? Results were about what I expected.

The kind of people who would do this are probably also the kind of people who have a lot of free time on their hands to play the game.

Orbit - Best Mascot in Baseball

“Still, the bill remains seriously flawed—particularly because it encroaches on the executive branch’s authority to negotiate. Congress could not even negotiate a health care bill after seven years of talking. By limiting the executive’s flexibility, this bill makes it harder for the United States to strike good

Hmm, that’s pretty good...

Quite possible that they didn’t spend the money they hadn’t received, and they are not running a debt due to the not received funds. And they see it as a losing battle to start litigation to get it. Granted, this is a guess, but it’s not any more or less valid than assuming they spent the money and now are in debt to

As a follow-up, this is not what you write to get someone else to think they should invest time in reading what is honestly a really long article as far as Deadspin pieces go. Why should I care about what you write if you don’t care about what you’re writing about?

Oh, it’s MARK FUCKING DAVIS. Mr. Bowl Cut Sketchers PF Chang’s himself was smart enough to do it, and look at the Raiders now. The fucking Raiders.

So this is a piece I’d never have written without Deadspin—or someone—suggesting it to me and offering to pay me for it. I’d have ignored the fight otherwise.