
You know, I'm sure it's comments like these that help out with their obvious social anxieties. Try being nice instead of making fun of a group of people you know nothing about. Then again, I guess I shouldn't have expected any more from a bunch of feminists who bond over treating others like second class citizens.

Japan.. Where they party like it's 1999?

But the Vatican LIKES to keep 'em poor and overpopulated... nay, they NEED to. Because desperate people make more gullible audiences. If people have no power or recourse in this world, they'll believe your every word about all the joys they'll receive in the next.

What's so "chillest" about a man telling women what to do with their bodies?


I find his statement a bit archaic. Society has evolved, and not all couples want to be parents. It's a personal choice, and the Church should recognize it.

I'm serious - and don't call me Shirley

Surely you can't be serious?

Do you think that a gay athlete could just live their life as they choose, and when they just happen to be out on a date with a dude everyone else will go "oh, that's cool, we won't say anything about that because he's not announced it as, like, a thing"? There are two choices for gay athletes: disclose their

Who are these people who give a shit what North West will look like in twenty years? I want to know. I want to meet them in person and give them some books or DVD's or crafting supplies or a fucking jump rope—LITERALLY ANYTHING THAT WILL OCCUPY THEM—because they have way too much free time.

Dice. In a penis.

Trouser snake eyes.


Bryant really confused the reporter when he mentioned Kyle Orton has the worst beard.

Though it is kinda Wilde, I find the picture of Dorien gray.

Of course not. Nothing is ever the fault of god-fearin' white folk.

do conservatives have guilt?...I never hear them mention it...maybe that's there's not enough hours in the day to trash liberals while doing nothing to promote or explain (justify?) conservatism?

"[Gawker] appeals to white audiences by white ... writers talking to other white ... readers about the inherent injustice of oppressing black people at any moment in this planet's history."

You do realize it's his job to "review" the movies he watches, right? If you don't like the reviews he gives, which you wouldn't be the only one, then just shut up and don't read his reviews, you self righteous dipshit.

I don't even particularly agree with the sentiment of the review but this is a bizarre response. Do you also think Rolling Stone should shut up and listen to music and the writers for Michelin should shut up and eat their foie gras?

Psst, Miley. This is how you trap a baby.