
So ESPN is doing what they should be doing now? It is a sports network and the players are just that. Players and entertainers. ESPN should have stayed with commenting and reporting strictly on sporting events and sports and left the politics out of it. I reward the man for taking charge and doing the right thing. Now

You people are childish idiots. 

The shame is that bleeding heart liberal PC correct babies have a forum for spreading the type of bile that you spew.  The NFL is entertainment and should be treated as such. The football team is a private employer and can make rules regarding it’s employees. If they do not follow those rules they can be let go. In

Typical biased and racist writing from the Root. You people call everyone racists but you are the most racist and biggest bigots I have ever seen. It is a shame you just try to promote racism and division among people instead of trying to educate and help. I had my say and as usual you will not approve and print it

Are you people really as stupid as you sound?  It is depressing reading these comments and seeing how ignorant the general public can be. 

Never lied?! Are you blind or just ignorant? 

Not true. But hey at least people like you are left to pick up the slack and spread opinion as fact. More than likely he will end up being investigated by the SEC.

If you want to compare. A Prius produces more net carbon than any other ICE car in its class. So lets not tout it as a life saver. That car is about as big a hoax on the public as anything. But lets not say Toyota is misleading. If you study an M3 and its components from start to finish including the manufacturing of

It is more than “jawboning” when you stay anonymous and do not let people know you have a position either way and report misinformation as fact. That is why when you read articles they state at the end they hold a position in Tesla on way or the other.

Shorting is not illegal. What is illegal is using the popularity and internet to spread misinformation to drive stock prices down for the stock you are shorting. Particularly if the only short you have is the only company you seem to constantly write or spread bad new about. The SEC has investigated and more people

He did not disclose it. He was hidden and anonymous. He got outed by someone other than Elon actually.

It did not force him out of a job. His employer told him to shut down the tweets. And it was not because of Elon. It was because as all employers do he has a social media policy to protect his and his companies interests. His employee was breaking that policy. 

This story is full of mistakes and mostly BS.  The man you are protecting is not a selfless Tesla critic being wronged. He is heavily vested in oil and constantly producing false and misleading reports about Tesla for his personal gain. His employer is protecting his own company from these misrepresentations as the

Truth is if the cars would have been reversed they would have given Larson the win. He is one of the new poster boys and they are trying help him along.

I will be contacting Phil Long to inquire about a purchase in the future.

I find it funny that comments that do not agree with you agenda do not get approved. Doubt this one will either unless you try for once to show something other than your biased views.

You people can flip a story can’t you? Bennet is a BLM mouthpiece pushing a made up cause to advance a fake narrative. Quit complaining and earn your way..