
Tha's…..one way of showing your appreciation for her. 

You would be lonely too if you had a pig for a foot. 


For a silly comment, your reply to it cogently summed up a lot of the talk around that show: At this point, people are more excited about being excited than they are about an actual show.
I would only add that nerdy 1-upping isn't what the world needs more of, but the books provide the sort of minutiae that really

True pain, I imagine, would be paying full price for both in 1982. 

True, but many NES games still hold up.  Contra, Mega Man 2, Zelda, Mario 3, and Kid Icarus, just to name a few, would all be fun outside of nostalgia.  I think there might be some sort of threshold in terms of design standards that games have to cross, where they have appeal that stands on its own.  I'm sure at least

Do you find Game of Thrones hype justified? 

Although this was my reaction too, I am inclined to think that reading several different reviews of it prior to seeing it made me focus on how 'provocative' it was.  Had I not know anything about it prior to seeing it, I probably would have called it just an interesting premise whose execution was lacking. 

I was curious about this too.  If, like me, the first thing you ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog, your standards for aesthetics, if not tastes, are going to make 99.9% if Atari games feel terrible.  That said, I would have been overjoyed/less bored in Calculus had someone made a working version of Pitfall or Frogger

People tend to dwell on the tasteless promotion of the Power Glove and Mario 3, but the whole movie was a much, much grosser exercise in product placement. 

Holy shit.  I hadn't even considered what the inflation adjusted price of the game would have been. 

Shenmue could be an entry, but only if you consider that it flopped in the U.S. while doing fine in Japan.  

I had a friend who was obsessed with beating that game.  The only game he rated as more difficult was Battletoads. 

@avclub-a9ab29b18796823dd9be52a3f74c1459:disqus I thought the sleeve gun was only on the forearm.  I believe his arm was severed between the elbow and shoulder. 

RE: Ava knocking Ellen May around
I would think that letting people fester in their addictions is one of those things that leads to situations where violence is a more effective means of control than reason.  Maybe it was naive of Ava to think it could be different, but removing ubiquitous drug addiction and easily

In so much as complaints about table-setting were kind of a theme of the reviews, the review of the finale did lack thematic resonance. 

I suppose it might be interesting to have a competent, wealthy criminal  outsider try and take Harlan, but it would be odd for him to go there personally to try.  I took him sending Quarles there as saying, "this is your last chance; I don't trust you, but you could do something to change that if you make this work." 

It's a contest?  I don't think I can handle that. 

Dewie needs a spin-off.  A late night talk show in character would be my suggestion.   

I hope Limehouse develops a personality beyond holding knives and cutting meat.