
The problem wasn’t “but her EMAILS,” it was “but HER emails.”

Wait, so the guy who told America on camera that Trump weighs 239 pounds might have some dubious past events in his career.

Yeah, it’s funny how the same people who had no problem with what Clinton did are now up in arms over Trump doing this

I’m not sure how things work outside the US, but inside of it, the universe and laws of physics have decided that what’s bad and unsafe as a Democrat behavior is completely acceptable as a Republican behavior. This also explains why Republicans can get backdoor abortions for their mistresses, but abortion, over all,

The bigger issue was violation of federal record-keeping requirements, which is also the bigger issue with Trump using personal cell phines.

This is going to be a mess because he of course clicks on every ad and believes every email.

Well, you see, Trump is a Republicans are hypocrites…

Well, you see, Trump is a hypocrite…

I hope so. At a college I once taught at, the college president was scheduled to meet with the wife of a local assemblyman. While waiting for her to show, the president started telling a racist joke to someone he was with. She walked in during the joke; she’s black.

And then burn it the fuck down in front of them.

Golf — a sport with such an evolved etiquette that I’ve yet to play a round without seeing a guy pissing in the bushes.

Apropos of nothing, I really really wanted a Chris Cornell Jesus Christ Superstar.

Sue, Sue, SUE, SUE, SUE these motherfuckers. I want those women to OWN that golf club.

Whenever someone makes an offensive joke or comment to me, I always play dumb and make him explain it to me so he can get real explicit about his bigotry.

I read that as ... Total hot take ... Kanye hates paying taxes eh?

“Kanye West doesn’t care about black people.”

Aidy Bryant is larger than Amy Schumer and doesn’t appear to have the same crippling low self esteem. This movie is about ONE type of woman who has low self esteem. If you see yourself in that the overall message is “give less fucks”. I don’t understand the criticism being thrown at this movie.

It takes way more than gullibility to not see Trump for who he is. It’s not like he’s been sneaky or trying to pull wool over people’s eyes about his bigotry. People who don’t see him for what he is haven’t been duped, they’ve actively made the choice to ignore the shit they find uncomfortable. There’s no excuse

He’s like the guy who thinks that saying “just to play devil’s advocate here” means that something of value will follow

“we’re expected to believe that she’s the kind of person society deems irretrievably unattractive”