what a cool opinion you have

“Make Rome Great Again”

A democrat Governor helping a Democrat running for state senator isn’t unusual. And the $ was given before the FBI guy was involved in the email case. The WSj story is pretty clear.

Trump has the kind of afro they prefer......

I can’t think of a single thing Osweiler does better than Brian Hoyer other than being tall.

I always wondered what happened to Snooki.

The defense would pay for that.

The Trump audible consists of several offensive lines.

Throw a challenge flag and refuse to take the field if the call stands.

If there is a “Trump” audible, what do you think it is?

Go right. Further right. Completely out of bounds. Further.

If there is a “Trump” audible, what do you think it is?

If there is a “Trump” audible, what do you think it is?

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

Was born and raised in SF. Don’t live there now but from what I hear from my friends (jokingly) is that a major quake wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing. It would help weed out all the assholes who have destroyed the City; hopefully sending them back to whatever state they came from.

I feel like you’re really passionate right now about someone else’s life and a statement that was largely intended as humorous in the first place.

Perhaps the several seconds it took you to write this could have been spent looking out a window? Or smelling a flower?

3. What people do with their dick, balls, pussy and ass holes is not a concern.

I got the rage post out of my system about a month ago, so I’m calmer about it now


The problem is that just about everything on The Concourse gets shared to Deadspin. I don’t know why they just don’t put The Concourse on it’s own, and let Deadspin be about sports. We all know the sub-blogs exist. If people want to read it, they can find it. No need to put these articles everywhere.