
Why are black men so fucking violent? It disgusts me

His wife is GROSS.

Why can’t we tell a woman to smile?

Oh look, another narcissistic feminist athlete. So fucking brave.

Cuckolding is fucking pathetic.

God you’re awful. I hope you and your beta friends get blown in the next spate of workplace violence.

He’s doing a great job!!!! No terrorism, just workplace violence.

Do you support Billy Haisley openly fawning over teenage boys?

But that’s not what Deadspin advocates for. They want whites to have limited freedom of speech.

Why do you care about what people like Albert think? He’s an untalented hack with bisexual tendencies.

Why do you care?

Obsessed with dong. Absolutely obsessed with it.

You very clearly have no idea what you’re talking about but answer me this: why do you care so much about what a bunch of bloggers think? Deadspin is dying and will be defunct soon.

You’re advocating for different freedoms of speech based on the color of one’s skin.

Nice straw man. Wow, you’re even denser than I thought. Let’s guess you’re either a :

This is Deadspin, ya know the site with a file called “Shut up whitey.” Deadspin actively squashes any dissent so please don’t bitch.