
I'm jailbroken and have MyWi (which I rearely use), but never got that message. And I've heard of people who aren't jailbroken or teathering getting that message. Bottom line is, they sent that out to people who use a "high amount" of 3G data. They don't really know what the data is being used for. I guess people

Plus, the seats don't recline nearly enough that I've ever felt like my space was being invaded if the person in front of me reclines their seat. So that's why I never feel badly about reclining my seat.

Sometimes I put a "." before the name of the file (mac) where I store my....documents. That way, you just have to go into terminal and type a quick command to find your documents, and no one will ever know. Unless they're a super nerd and are looking at your hidden files for some reason. Or they read this post.....

Ugh, yeah. Why would you need to see less of the timeline and more of the video? The work is done in the timeline. That's like saying when the article was written, the page view was minimized so he could see more of the print dialogue. But then I remember that this is an intro video geared towards those of us who

Yeah feetus is right. And even if you're using subclips, you'll want to go ahead and log the ftg before hand so you don't have any problems with timecode breaks, etc. And, if a file gets corrupt, you'll have less to batch later. Your "Fuck it" attitude won't fly as an assistant. Just sayin'.

Cool idea for those people who can afford a mark II but not a professional film transfer...Not exactly sure who that would be. The end result looks better than I thought it would since it isn't a frame-accurate transfer. It's very dirty though.

Check your settings... I don't have it re-route to my mobile's number, and I save $15 a month on text messages. I use about 20 carrier texts every month now since I've started using GV for texting. Those 20 are usually a few MMS, and some random texts from people who haven't saved my GV number yet.

Hello, fellow Block Party attender!

32 vs. 64 bit?

This is great and all, but why no USB 3.0? Why no Blu-Ray. As long as USB 2.0 and DVD drives are still included, just make those better too please.

I didn't see this video. But I'd imagine it couldn't be much different than Dave Chappelle's "Kneehigh Park" skit where he sang an inappropriate song in front of kids as well.

As do I. But it's worth pointing out that they do both work together. That's how I like my setup.

It appeals to be for use with my Mac mini HTPC. Even on the logitech keyboard that I have now, and seems to be one of the best out there, the mouse is not very good. This one looks better.

I'd go with my drum set.

Something similar happened to a friend's brother's car in Chicago a few years ago. Luckily it was late at night and he were sleeping and not in the car. But a woman decided to jump off the building and landed on top of his car, totaling it. I don't believe she lived though.

@hradac: Yeah. I'm curious, how does Android handle GV? I'm not too sure why apple acts the way they do with GV. I wish they just got along like in the old days with google maps being an integral part of the original iPhone launch.

@hradac: Yes, there is the web app and also the iOS app which are great. The jailbreak extensions we're talking about take it one step further by integrating that iOS app and the native SMS and Phone apps in the iPhone so you can use your GV number in a seamless and invisible way. You can make and receive SMS and

@NickFoote: Hmm, now that is an interesting idea. I'd also like to know if this is possible.

@steelew: If you're jailbroken, google "SMS GV Extension" They make nice SMS and Phone utilities that will integrate your GV number with your phone. I currently use only the SMS one because I still mostly call people from my carrier number.