
Yeah, you grasshoppers keep playing while the sun shines, I will keep working too many hours a week, living nicely on a good paycheck and saving away.

Oh I am not just claiming they are just following the law, I am claiming those laws are reasonable, which is why you havent been able to change them.

This “from the mouths of babes” stuff is bullshit no matter what side pushes it, reeks of desperation.

All these people are terrified of a literal child because she’s got the focus and message discipline to call out their sniveling asses in stark terms and not get distracted by any of the bad-faith hand-wringing that follows. funding.

And there it is.

I never pretended to be dogging on Biden.

NYT in 2015 was calling out Biden and his son on possible corruption.

Thus begins the real rule of this stuff.

THIS JUST IN: Older person calls much younger person sweetheart, population aghast.

Why do you guys jump on these things with next to no evidence.

People in the comments are starting to argue specifics about the missiles and the strike.

Did you miss the part where he was attacking your logic, not your evidence?

Yeah, but thats just US police these days.

Nobody is saying ‘just following orders’

I find it hilarious how the left wing view of government shifts drastically everytime the guy in charge changes. ICE and most other agencies staffing hasnt changed much since Obama, the only real difference is Trump told them to actually enforce the laws instead of ignore them.

Um, dude on the other side of the fence has a military hat on. This would seem to be footage of reviewing a POW camp.

I think the word you are missing is “supporters”

A good rule of thumb in politics—and in life, really— is that if you find yourself trying to explain the ways in which your militarized, racist wing of the government is not a prime example of fascism, you’ve probably already lost.

According to the Univision article I posted her husband had run a barbershop and left because he was extorted for money by gangs.