Background checks do not require recording the serial number of the firearm.
Background checks do not require recording the serial number of the firearm.
Democratic candidates jump on yet another bandwagon. What a surprise, it’s almost like they are desperate.
Did I say I was against nationalizing mineral wealth?
I was alive and I remember the demands to pass that garbage.
Inciting violence again Billy?
There is nothing new here.
Where are the starvation deaths in capitalist societies?
The Nordic model is young, and tempered by the memory of a major economic crash in the late 90s.
In order to accomplish what you wish, you have to give government excessive power.
It is as direct as “We get a say on who enters and stays in our nation” and “Genocide!”
You are looking really hard for violent threats in your opposition, and trying really hard not to see them from your own side.
socialism has killed lives
Are you sure that works?
I dont.... did you read what I wrote?
I really cant wait for Asians to switch sides and start voting republican, it will be hilarious to watch you guys try to call them white supremacists.
The ad is for a PAC that is trying to do what “Justice Democrats” did but for Republicans. Put young POC faces front and center and try to gain some of the youth vote. Their messaging is not to racist yokels.
Nah, I would want it videotaped, just in case she changed her mind 3 days later.
Dont blame us, you guys put her as the figurehead of the blue wave.
Have you considered that they didnt side with racists so much as disagree with you that the people they allied with are racist.