
I dont.... did you read what I wrote?

I really cant wait for Asians to switch sides and start voting republican, it will be hilarious to watch you guys try to call them white supremacists.


The ad is for a PAC that is trying to do what “Justice Democrats” did but for Republicans. Put young POC faces front and center and try to gain some of the youth vote. Their messaging is not to racist yokels.

Nah, I would want it videotaped, just in case she changed her mind 3 days later.

Dont blame us, you guys put her as the figurehead of the blue wave.

Have you considered that they didnt side with racists so much as disagree with you that the people they allied with are racist.

You’re arguing that firearms give the lower-class the power to wage a war against out-of-control elite, I’m telling you the vast majority of the people that die either way aren’t the out-of-control elite.

Ah, but it isnt “My gun” being threatened.

If you and your friends keep pretending that nothing events like this would justify ERPOs, you will not get ERPOs.

Under questioning from his colleagues, it became clear that Cain didn’t know that palliative care is the treatment of terminally ill people for pain and anxiety to ease their passing.

(Overheard at the Beto campaign)

I feel kinda bad for AOC here, assuming she isnt actually an idiot. She likely know that there is nothing racist about including the proponent of an ideal in the attack ad, she does it all the time.

No, the AR-15, which only exists to kill as many humans as possible in the shortest time, provide cover fire so your own forces can advance under opposing fire, is not illegal.

The how is known because it has been done many times before.

Yeah, thats excessive considering mass shootings are about as likely to harm you as lightning strikes.

“Only the people we control should have access to guns”

We care.

An Oklahoma Senator put forth a bill after Sandy Hook for expanded background checks. It never got a vote, because it didnt require form 4473 and a formal firearm transfer.