I bet your daily commute is more than 3o mins
I bet your daily commute is more than 3o mins
They arent wrong.
I seem to remember Obama swearing to end the war in Afghanistan and close Guantanamo bay.
Only an absolute idiot expects a politician to exactly meet his campaign promises.
Ive read some research that says otherwise.
Keep telling a disabled person how to deal with their injury, see how that goes down with your friends.
No, it actually isnt.
Who wouldnt love an excuse to have an eyepatch?
You already can, wrongful death lawsuits are a real thing that exists now.
Really though, the NRA and other gun groups love that the check process frustrates gun owners. That’s a big part of why they fight any attempt to modernise the system, because a simple and useable background check system would be easy to get used to, and could actually make legally buying guns easier.
In what sense is lending guns to others considered “well-regulated”?
I don’t think people should be firearms enthusiasts. That sounds so idiotic to me.
If you look at her entire comment, you will see that her comment is based on the premise that the reason
Cortez[Crenshaw] won’t be able to loan guns to his friends is because they wouldn’t be able to pass a firearms background check.
The only person who said they couldnt pass a background check was AOC.
Dont pretend you need an excuse to declare anyone right of center fair game.
If a brown person loans a gun to another brown person and is caught = jail time.
The liability isnt different from a car.
Yes, but only if he does not know that said person is prohibited from ownership.
Not really a thing.
Also, where are his friends going where it would actually be useful to have a gun on one’s person? Somalia?