
Of course it’s a guy who owns a truck for his prison job, where he definitely needs a truck to cart all that *checks notes* nothing he has to carry for work.

In video posted by Jewish activist group Never Again Action, a man could be seen driving toward sitting activists, who quickly stood up and began shouting. The driver then () sped up, ramming into the crowd of approximately 30 people.

No, I literally havent.

How about literally anyone who knows that human history is so long that we cannot possibly know who the first people to live in a given region are?

died because of what Reagan believed.

Also all the people discussing its impact in the Americas, apparently.

Someone (possibly Weld) was interviewed by the BBC while planning to primary challenge Trump.

Well, this is exactly why I wanted you to clarify.

No, I am a person alive today who pointed out that your praise for Cuba solving a problem they didnt have was not valuable at all.

What is the actual problem?

Of course Trump and Republicans only pay lip service to wanting to increase access to mental health care.....

Can we imagine the same thing for the money you have wasted on attacking gun rights?

Anyone else curious what a weapons ban/buy back program similar to Australia and more recently New Zealand would look like in the USA?

The lengths that the right will go to to avoid any actually gun policy reform is getting absolutely ridiculous. Do they really think this is a better answer than background checks and mandatory gun safety(competence) classes?

They really arent.

I honestly dont know what Reagan thought, I know many conservatives love him but I have never felt the need to study him.

Dont worry, the right wing and gun nuts believe any such system will be weaponized against them in the same way.

Mass shooters dont tend to be gun owners before they decide to become mass shooters.

Trump feels that not voting for him is crazy. In you go!