
There is a book to pretty much all of Kubricks works, so why would you want to watch a film that was as simple a retelling of that media as you could possibly get without adding any content of its own?

Your hypothesis that films are all about the story is incorrect. If it was a TV show you would certainly cut it out, but it’s a movie and it’s an artwork the visuals are part of the story and the experience.

You’re trying to be pretentious, but you suck at it. You’re more like the kid in the back of the class complaining that Crime and Punishment has too much filler. If all you care about is plot, just read the fucking Cliff’s Notes.

Well you have a few years on me, and I felt the same way leaving the theater, not sure of everything I witnessed but it went ‘round and ‘round in my head for weeks. Grew up with an Italian Aunt who would drag me to old european films which could be slow and stark but taught me the art of sitting quietly and letting

He honestly sounds like a finance guy going at a film. “Hmm... Looks like we have 8 minutes of exposition here. Now I crunched the numbers, and it looks like we could do that in about 30 seconds, and save over 7 1/2 minutes of film time. Really tight it up. Get a nice LEAN operation.”

I don’t think you really get it when it comes to what a “cinematic experience” IS. The pacing is slow and intentional, it puts you in a specific mental state over a period of time (without having to do or take pot geez). You cannot attain said mental state by butchering the pacing. Maybe you are incapable of entering

Full Metal Jacket is one of my favorite war movies of all time, mainly because of it’s extreme focus on the psychological side of war. The first time I saw the movie it basically terrified me (at around 14-15). It’s stuck with me every since.

Wasn’t Sarah Palin one of the people who got all in an uproar about her childhood health initiatives? Like, “Who are you to tell me how to raise my kids? I’ll give them HFC on an IV drip if I want! ‘Merica!” level shit. So ridiculous.

“My kids need to be obese and the First Lady needs to be a stick figure!” ‘murica has a messed up relationship with food. And is also racist.

I imagine they will be introduced as Madam and Mr. President. Bill earned that title.

You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.

I feel that the market for destroying things is over saturated. Destroying expensive things some of us can’t afford, feels like a slap in the face. I just don’t hate anything enough to get a kick out of destroying it, and specially if it’s someone else destroying it. It had already been done by the guys in office

Bravo to KWTX!

This has got to be one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read. So your androgynous friend’s Premiere hack-job edit of 2001 has proven that the film is bad? Has this “fellow person” attempted to cut down The Dark Side of the Moon yet. Its such a long album, I’ll bet Fellow Person could preserve all the key riffs and

So you think films are basically just plot and story driven works. As fast as you can cram plot into a film you should do so? Or that anything beyond necessary plot is ‘fat’ and should be cut? I think that’s studio thinking and why most people think movies now a days generally suck and are just money makers without

Can’t argue that 2001 isn’t slow (especially for today’s audience), but when you have visuals like that in 1968, you’re going to show them off.

Check this screencap from Barry Lyndon:

Only wooden acting? Have you not been made acquainted with Kirk Douglas in Spartacus & Paths Of Glory yet? Woof.

I’m sorry.

I’m confused. The article about Stanley Kubrick, not David Fincher.