Maybe it's time to make like American TV audiences and stop paying attention to the Academy Awards.
Maybe it's time to make like American TV audiences and stop paying attention to the Academy Awards.
On the other hand, hopefully this series returns a welcome presence to our screens: the incredulous FBI. I find it really amazing that in virtually every modern TV show, the FBI is this incredibly trusting entity that just goes along with whatever happens. They'll believe in the supernatural, in ladies covered in…
It sounds like the standalone episodes will be fun. But I'm really dreading any return to the mythology. For starters, the series left things in such a specific place that it's impossible to imagine how the reset button could possibly be pushed. Mulder and Scully were on the run and wanted for murder! The aliens were…
I thought the lesson from 'Only God Forgives' is that it's nice to have a vision, but that doesn't make your art worthwhile in and of itself. Be as transgressive as you want, but at least produce something good from your trip to the dark side.
On the other hand, this is a rotten world of nothing good and we probably got a lot more David Bowie than any of us deserved.
The box office battle might have been won, but I've seen plenty of comments from people who watched the film that the casting made it a "zoo" and that the movie kept "pushing a PC agenda down our throats." War's not over yet.
Big call. Too big, I'd say.
Adelaide sure does have a lot of weird murders for such a boring place.
Starbuck's fingers were broken, if I recall correctly, by her mother - an ex-Marine who believed punishment was good for the soul.
When you're chasing those Metacritic clicks, you gotta do what you gotta do, I guess.
I just remember that they got a lot of stuff wrong. Like in one episode, they said it was odd that Sarah Koenig has never mentioned that she'd reported on Christina Gutierrez, even though the first episode makes clear that her earlier reporting was the reason the podcast happened at all.
My favourite of all the backgrounders was always Captain Kelly.
Maybe it's time to stop putting 'the creators of Napoleon Dynamite' up front like it's something that's supposed to impress people.
Gee, poor old Saga got left of the list. Seems a little harsh.
Thanks, AV Club. I really needed to cry at my desk today.
Kitsch had his shot at the big time and it all went south. Then he had his shot at redemption in a premium cable show, and it all went south.
Eventually, there's a backlash against everything successful. The Dark Knight is still a hell of a movie with an amazing performance at the centre of it.
I was going to say that was an improvement, at least over and above what we'd seen so far.
Hell, Alec Baldwin's only one down on Martin Freeman - even if he'd rather forget all about 'The Shadow'.
This just seems like a list of 12 people, most of whom have been in an X-Men movie. And speaking of, where is James MacAvoy on that list?