Say what you will about Damon Lindelof, but he always peppers his shows with references to the great State of Western Australia so he's okay in my book.
Say what you will about Damon Lindelof, but he always peppers his shows with references to the great State of Western Australia so he's okay in my book.
There's a lot I wish I could change about the prequels, and it's hard to sort out priorities. So I'll go small scale: I wish Yoda had never been turned into a sword-fighting badass. Maybe that was always Lucas' vision for him, but his characterisation in Empire was so much cooler. He didn't carry a lightsaber. He…
Hell, Anakin isn't even that integral to those movies until Revenge of the Sith.
Star Wars Week = Prequels and Spaceballs Week.
The school paper's review would have found all those Bush Administration parallels really deep.
The Empire Strikes Back also has one of the all-time great titles for a movie. It just sounds cool in and of itself, but it also delivers. Other movies promise that bad things will happen, but in the end there's no actual Age of Ultron. He lives and dies in the space of a week. No one really Star Treks into darkness -…
There's that one fight scene in Clones that's extensively just close-ups. Rewatching it, it looks like one of the most hideous action sequences ever put on film.
Surely "Love can't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can!" and "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!" have to swing the pendulum back a bit.
I have a theory that The Phantom Menace is actually the best of the prequels, if only because it's the closest out of all of them to being a real film, made in real places with real actors instead of in front of a green screen in Sydney. It also has the closest thing resembling a plot out of any of them. Revenge of…
Overall, probably the biggest failing of the EU was it's inability or unwillingness to innovate. So every so often, you crank out another secret dark Jedi, another lost Death Star-esque superweapon. You send the same characters back to the same locations (there's no really good reason for Luke to set up shop on Yavin…
I really felt like I would be betraying my Jedi training if I did that.
Bring back Galaxy of Fear!
You don't even know how many different NCIS spin-offs there are in that whole galaxy. It's a lot, and he's gotta watch them all.
I dunno, man. She's robbed of her will thanks to Xixor's "biological magic"? Pretty rapey. The guy's a bit of a creep, is what I'm saying.
I was surprised at how many times the Millennium Falcon, an outwardly unremarkable smuggling ship, was required for major combat/diplomatic operations to save the whole New Republic.
There was that whole weird thing where he could kinda magically roofie Leia though…?
The Jedi life demands patience and moderation, not fun. That's why I had so little sex while playing those games.
I'm pretty happy to lose the Yuuzhan Vong. It all felt a bit out of place in 'Star Wars' and had the effect of re-writing too much of what was already a pretty convoluted canon. I remember reading 'Outbound Flight', which was designed to close some of the gaps that opened up as a result of meshing the prequels with…
I wouldn't know what the Dark Side ending is like because I play every game as a pure-hearted Jedi Knight and yes I do think that makes me a better person than you
"Though its heroes were made of metal, the DROIDS cartoon showed us what it really means to be human"