
Can't wait for tomorrow's "Howard The Duck is the sequel Star Wars fans need" article.

I think the answer is 'kinda, but not really'. Certainly he tells Anakin that he can see the future, but I don't think he's really put to the test. And of course, in 'Jedi', he misses that whole 'apprentice throws him down the endless shaft' headline.

Yeah, breeding a bunch of non-white people to use as cannon fodder apparently gets the tick of approval from all the good guys. The Empire looks downright progressive by comparison.

Even if that's all true (and I think it's pretty debatable given what appears on screen), it's still not explained within the movies. And that's a problem, because not everyone wants to read a series of novels, play a half dozen video games and follow three different comic series on a monthly basis in order to

It may be that his goal was to get a no-confidence vote up in the Senate, but the movie provides zero explanation for what his actual plan was to achieve that. As it turns out, he relies on Queen Amidala having escaped, which allows him to have the no-confidence motion introduced by someone else (making him look less

I'm sure there was some comic or some shit that explained all of this anyway, but it's also not remotely clear what Palpatine's plan was beyond (a) create some kind of war and (b) kill some Jedi.

That also seems to assume that once you like something, you should love everything associated with it. "Hey, you liked that Dark Knight movie, huh? Then why are you so damn smug about Batman and Robin, ya jerk? It's all the same nonsense!"

The prequels are not good movies. They did some good things: one of Lucas' most enduring legacies is as a technological innovator rather than as an artistic one, and with these movies he certainly ushered in a lot of changes to how movies are shot. This includes increased greenscreening, CGI and digital filmmaking.

Dear Lord. We've finally reached peak contrarianism.

They're not bears. Jeez.



The Secret Life Of Us.

Man, Joe is such a shitty father. Just a whole bunch of lies and tears. And you just know that this isn't the end of it. We're gonna get a whole scene where he tearfully explains to Iris why he had to lie about the Easter Bunny until she was well into adulthood.

God, I remember. What you wound up with was about the size of a postage stamp, which confirms that it was 1999 because the mail was a thing.

I guess also that this episode takes place in an alternate NYPD where you can't just call in the union if a superior strips you of your rank for no reason.

I think it was in the interview with the Rick and Morty creators on this site that one of them said that the problem with modern TV writing was that you couldn't have an in-built mystery in a show. The audience is too big, too connected and has too much time on its hands - someone's gonna work it out well before the

Absolutely. I love a good titles sequence, and kinda look forward to HBO shows exactly for that reason. I was really let down by the season one credits, but these are perfect - a little bit teasing, tonally dissonant. Really good work.

I love this show.

I feel like we got a lot more Community than this rotten world deserved. I'm happy to let it go.