
I see no problems, as long as they make it work

sounds like high school to me

you had me at the picture of tim gunn

He’s straight. Long term girlfriend who he cheated on with a female friend of mine a few years ago.

how much did nick loeb pay these people

‘Sofia: Unfreeze your daughters, unfreeze your heart.’

That’s what gets me about her, the shaming of other women in similar situations. I had a baby young and out of wedlock, it made me more sympathetic towards other women. To Bristol Palin however, it further elevated her high horse, hypocrisy and complete lack of empathy. I reserve my feelings of compassion for the

So she calls off her engagement. A month later, she’s forced to admit she’s pregnant.

Wow. It’s almost like abstinence-only education doesn’t actually work. Who knew?

so what you’re saying is this’ll free up more time for Masterpiece Theater

I think it is a teenage kind of thing. I used to feel this way when I was a teenager. Then my beloved cousins started having kids and I learned to curb my tongue around the little ones. I discovered it wouldn’t literally KILL me to be considerate and hold back this or that word in a particular environment, especially

Well, right. And these girls can happily wear their crop tops once they’ve left school for the day, on weekends, what have you. I love crop tops, personally, but I’m not going to get behind some battle for them to be allowed in school. I can’t wear them to work either. And the world doesn’t end. :)

People wear sheer tops to my workplace all the time—it happens to be OK because of our office culture and dress code (we are in a creative/fashion field)—and it’s not the same as wearing a bra(lette) alone. And you’re not going to class in a high school.

I am unsure why people have such a problem with conservative dress policies “IN SCHOOL”!? The place your children, my children, our children go to school to learn.

I don’t think children should go to school in underwear. But I was expecting someone to disagree with me.

So I’m a bitch in that I don’t think crop tops should be allowed in school, aren’t I? For the record, I don’t think those weird giant-armhole-shirt-things lots of bros wear to the gym should be school-allowed, either; I am all for “I don’t want to see your skin between your shoulders and your knees unless we’re going

If Jennifer Garner is dumping her husband, would they need moving vans? Because he seems like the type to take a bag and go.

Well...wow, Amber...thank you for reminding us laws are for peasants and the lower-class scum.