My daughter is 14. She never even heard of the movie, and I’m a child of the 80s, not 90s, so I didn’t care enough to ask her if she wanted to see it.
My daughter is 14. She never even heard of the movie, and I’m a child of the 80s, not 90s, so I didn’t care enough to ask her if she wanted to see it.
Since I now live in Minnesota, I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to watch Purple Rain and get the joke!
I guess you’ve never seen Purple Rain, then!
Chelsea is a few months past her 18th birthday. I appreciate that that makes her a legal adult, but to say ‘she’s an adult now, so it’s OK’ is... not really a ‘world of difference’ in the situations, IMO.
My SIL just went off on my 14 year old, claiming that she was using lip balm so much, she must be addicted (I wasn’t present). Now, I do insist that my kids put it on after they brush their teeth (so, twice a day), but any other time is up to them. Then my SIL insisted that my daughter should be using ‘natural’…
Sure, that conversation happened. And then he thought it was OK to take pictures of girls’ butts and comment on how nice they were, taking it to another level. Old people can be jerks, too.
I’m all for the public shaming #sorrynotsorry. What is the lesson this kid is going to learn? “Honey, I’m suing you, you have to appear in court, it’s all your fault, but don’t take it too personally, I’m really just after the insurance money”. Who says no one is mad? Was there a quote from the dad saying “no biggie”?…
Kourtney doesn’t look like she’s waiting to see if the kid is going to cry. She looks like she’s entering the car and letting the nanny deal with her injured child. If there were a few more shots (or the video worked) we’d know for sure.
And her mother could not care less. Let the nanny deal with it, right?
Thrown in jail with NO PILLOW! The horror!
I’ll never forget being on a parent list for school with some poor soul who was tiredmommy283. I was like “you thought it was cute, and now you’re stuck with it forever”.
Well of course Nicole Kidman didn’t know about her daughter’s wedding. Nicole was labeled a ‘suppressive person’ and the kids and Tom cut off contact. I don’t think there’s been any kind of relationship for years, as the kids were brought up into Scientology.
Because The Wimmizs don’t appreciate sports! They weren’t absorbing every fascinating move by the (what place are they in, anyway?) D Backs.
Chaps, sold at Kohl’s, is their cheap line that no one remembers is even sold anymore because it’s at Kohl’s.
I call BULLSHIT on this story. If you were on a waiting list and didn’t get your boots (and don’t live in NYC, because all the trend stories about the boot shortage came from media based there, so I’m guessing it was just a fashionista forced shortage) please respond.
That sounds a bit much BUT... my SIL is sending my niece to a school where the colors are navy blue, white and khaki only. At parent info night, one mom asked about pink, “because my daughter has to wear something pink everyday”. The answer was “not at school, she doesn’t. There are lots of other school where she can…
I’m so Old School I still call Ulta “Ulta 3”, it’s original name. I’m so Old School I have an Ulta Club card with what looks like a soft core porn picture of a woman hugging herself in soft focus on it (I’m also so Old School that I don’t know how to upload said picture). Everyone knows who Ulta is, they just don’t…
I’m sure Robin Wright has hinted about it in interviews. But she has kids with him, and probably isn’t willing to be straight out about it.
Someone more Internet savvy than I can probably dig up the picture of Jewel and Sean Penn in Rolling Stone that was taking at some warm weather film festival back in the day... so I guess I’m saying that I knew that they had dated.
It’s so they don’t get sued by a customer saying “no one told me I couldn’t use 10 year old mascara.”